Actors’ Reels



We edit the material you already have: $200

We edit the material you already have plus the scenes you’ve made with us: $150

We edit the scenes you’ve made with us: $50

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camera always stays on the client and cuts from a medium shot to a close up

– Email us a scene, you believe will bring your strongest skills forward (half a page or one page long), or

Have one of HOMERIC writers write a scene for you according to a character and a genre of your preference after meeting with you one on one ($50)

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INTERACTION SCENE: $400 ($200 for each actor)

another actor is also cast in order to realistically showcase the client’s interaction skills on camera. The camera cuts back and forth between the two actors.

– Email us a scene you believe will bring your strongest skills forward (one page, or one and a half long), or

Have one of HOMERIC writers write a scene for you according to a character, and a genre of your preference after meeting with you one-on-one ($100)

– Have us cast a professional actor as your scene partner ($150) , or

– Use an actor friend of yours, and split the cost of the scene.

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